Common Issues That Arise During A Family Law Case

Experienced family law attorneys in Oldsmar protect the best interests of their clients throughout the family law process
No matter what type of domestic relations case you are involved in, there can be unexpected issues that arise. An experienced family law attorney in Oldsmar is equipped with the skills necessary to guide you safely through the rough waters of domestic cases. Contact Westchase Law to schedule a consultation to discuss your case.
A very real issue that exists in some cases is the inability of one spouse to pay for an attorney to represent him or her in a divorce. If this spouse has been dependent on the other for support, a family law attorney in Oldsmar can motion the court for an order requiring the working party to pay the attorney fees of non-working or lower paid spouse. This allows both parties to have representation throughout a divorce.
Another issue that can surface in a divorce case is the disregard of court orders by one spouse. Whether the spouse is failing to pay court ordered support, not following the visitation schedule, or keeping personal property that does not belong to him or her, a family law attorney in Oldsmar can petition the court to hold the offending spouse in contempt of the order in an effort to convince him or her to comply.
Life changes happen. Even if your family law case concluded fairly smoothly and you have no issues with paying for your divorce or violations of a court order, you might one day find yourself in need of a modification of your court orders. This is most easily done through a family law attorney in Oldsmar. He or she knows the law and the situations that warrant a modification of court orders and will get the necessary paperwork filed to bring your request before the court.
The attorneys at Westchase Law have the experience to handle these and other issues in your domestic relations case. Give them a call to see how they can help you.