Category Archives: Prenuptial Postnuptial Agreement

Wife Attempts to Get Prenuptial Agreement Tossed in Appeal
In the case of Francavilla v. Francavilla, the husband and wife had a choppy relationship. They were married twice. The first marriage occurred within a few weeks of them meeting in 1982. They moved to Georgia where the husband began studying to become a chiropractor. By 1984, the wife had left the husband. Their… Read More »

What Are The Benefits Of A Postnuptial Agreement?
A postnuptial agreement offers many benefits. By being aware of these benefits, it’s easier to determine whether or not a postnuptial agreement is right for a particular couple. What Is A Postnuptial Agreement? Right before we can define what, specifically, a postnuptial agreement is, we must define what a prenuptial agreement is. A prenuptial… Read More »

What Is Marital Debt And Why Is It Important?
Every single debt that a couple takes on, during their marriage, can be divided if that couple divorces. By being aware of why this is the case, and the consequences of these laws, it’s easier for spouses to prevent themselves from becoming saddled with each other’s debt. What Is Marital Debt? Right before we… Read More »

Are You Responsible For Your Spouse’s Student Loan Debt When You Divorce?
When two spouses divorce, the marital assets these two spouses share will be divided. By being divided, certain assets will go to one spouse, and then another set of assets will go to the other spouse. But, what about student loan debt? Is student loan debt considered a marital asset? And, if so, will… Read More »

3 Reasons To Consider A Prenuptial Agreement
There are many reasons why a prenuptial agreement is worth considering. By being aware of the most notable reasons to consider a prenuptial agreement, it is easier to determine if a prenuptial agreement is the right choice for a particular marriage. What Is A Prenuptial Agreement? A prenuptial agreement is a contract that two… Read More »