Category Archives: Divorce Lawyer

What is an Uncontested Divorce in Florida?
If you’re considering getting a divorce in Tampa, FL, you may have run across the term “uncontested divorce.” But what exactly does it mean and how does it fit into the broader category of divorce in Florida? An uncontested divorce is when you and your soon-to-be former spouse agree on all aspects of your… Read More »

Am I Responsible for My Spouse’s Student Loan Debt if We Divorce?
In order to successfully answer this question, you have to understand the concept of the marital estate. That is what gets divided in the event of a Florida divorce. The marital estate begins the moment you get married and ends when your divorce petition is filed. If the student loans were accrued during the… Read More »

Factors Influencing Equitable Distribution in Florida
Dividing the marital estate is one of the most primary concerns during a divorce proceeding. The question then becomes: What Florida rules apply and how do the courts reach a decision when it comes to determining which assets go where? This is an important question, and unfortunately, it doesn’t have an easy answer. The… Read More »

Everything You Need to Know About Divorce and Credit Card Debt
Florida is an equitable distribution state meaning that assets and liabilities (debts) are not necessarily divided 50/50 during the divorce process. While there is a presumption that the courts should divide the marital estate 50/50, the court can (for legal reasons) award more the marital estate to one party than the other. Naturally, the… Read More »

My Spouse Refuses to Sign Divorce Papers! Now What?
One situation that Tampa divorce lawyers deal with on occasion involves one spouse who serves the other spouse with divorce papers, and the other spouse refuses to sign the papers because they don’t want the marriage to end. This can be an emotionally intense situation when the other spouse will not cooperate with the… Read More »

Making Decisions Together: Shared Legal Custody in Florida
If you have joint legal custody of your child, you may be wondering whether or not you have the legal authority to make decisions on your own. It’s important to understand that the Florida courts will award joint custody in the majority of situations. Under the law, there is a rebuttable presumption that joint… Read More »

The Best Interests of the Children in Florida Family Law Cases
In Florida family law cases, judges are required to make decisions that reflect the best interests of the children. This standard is employed in all 50 states. The best interests of the children standard is applied in virtually all important legal decisions regarding a child’s life. This includes custody, parental decision-making power, parenting plans,… Read More »

What Factors Matter Most When Dividing Marital Debts and Assets in a Divorce?
Divorce is a complex matter that requires many legal processes including the division of assets and debts. Florida has strict laws when it comes to how marital assets and liabilities are distributed. This can make matters even more complicated to understand. Even when your separation is on good terms, dividing marital assets and liabilities… Read More »

Study Discusses Phenomenon of “Gray Divorce”
Gray divorce is a recent phenomenon in which couples who have been married for years pursue a divorce. Gray divorce generally refers to divorces that occur when the couple is over 50. What causes the couple to untie the knot after potentially decades of being married together? Sociologists, psychologists, and cultural experts have differing… Read More »

Divorcing an Abusive Spouse: What to Know
When women are polled on why they stay with abusive partners for so long, they generally answer that they were afraid to leave or even talk about leaving for fear that their partner would harm them or the children. Often, victims of domestic abuse feel like there is no way to safely break free… Read More »